3D Maze Modelling

Born out of my desire to create a poster for a book festival aimed at Young Adults, I started by brainstorming ideas for objects that I could model and that could metaphorically connect to the theme of the festival. That’s how I got the idea of making a 3D maze. 

Personally, I think that when you’re reading a book, it’s almost as if you’re in a labyrinth. You’re trying to anticipate all the different possible endings of the story, but, in the end, you’re met with only one ending/narrative. This is similar to when you’re in a maze and you’re met with all the “possible” exits, but only one path will actually get you out of the maze.

Coming across an interesting looking add-on for Blender, called “Maze Generator”, I made this deformed 3D maze with an almost staircase appearance. Again, tying in with the fact that while reading, you have to get through stages of the story in order to get to the last page, just like when you have to try all the possible exits to the maze in order to escape.


Chair Modelling


Coral Growing