Stone Heart

This is one of the first animations I’ve ever created. It’s a visual metaphor for loving and losing someone, for the exact moment someone breaks your heart, without maybe even realising. The visual of the heart turning from pink to grey, a colour that’s so closely associated with coldness, with stone, is backed by the sound of crumpling paper heard in the background. It represents fragility and vulnerability in the face of love.

In the making of this piece, I first modelled the heart and then I made a copy of it, so that I could use Keyed Physics in order to accomplish this transformation, making the heart come apart and turn into many particles before reconstructing it. For this artwork, I guided myself using one of tutor4u’s tutorials on YouTube.

 • Software used: Blender, 3D animation in Eevee
 • Techniques applied: Sculpting mode, Explode Modifier for particle displacement, Particle System, Turbulence in the Physics tab


Gaming Room


Blooming Dissonance