Vega Star
Being passionate about astronomy, I often enjoy reading about the exquisite wonders that are hidden in our infinite universe. This piece is an imagination experiment of what the Vega star might look like after I've read about the interesting qualities it has in the book, “A History of the Universe in 100 Stars” by F. Freistetter.
The ring that surrounds the star aims to represent the asteroid belts, while the purple particles at the start of the animation create the illusion of dust, precisely the reason why the Vega star is the brightest star in the Lyra constellation and the fifth brightest star in our night sky.

This project is to represent my love for astronomy, as well as 3D modelling. Experimenting with the displacement modifier was really fun for this piece, and I specifically enjoyed animating the textures in the nodes tab, as well as creating the particle system for the asteroids moving in the background.
• Software used: Blender, 3D animation rendered in Cycles
• Technique applied: Displacement modifier, particle systems, animation textures, Smoke Domain